what shall we do about the report for the case of the shoplifting attempt ? 万引き未遂事件の報告書nどうします?
(refer to article ' shochu and warming up sake ' for the case of warming distilled spirits .) (蒸留酒で燗が行われるケースについては、「焼酎と燗」の節を参照のこと。)
there were more than 200 different kinds of shini-e produced for the case of the eighth danjuro ichikawa , when he committed suicide in osaka . 大坂で自殺した8世団十郎の死絵は200余種、出たという。
the practice of katatagae for the case of travelling to or from one ' s home should be done more strictly than that of travelling to or from other places . 出先から出先への移動よりも、自宅が絡む場合はより念入りに方違えをする必要があった。
in the case of religion , it is said that there is punishment by god and punishment by buddha as the " punishment " for the case of disobedience to its creed . 宗教上の場合、その教義に従わない場合の“罰”として、神罰、そして仏罰があるとされる。